Skill "G" Nigeria Ltd

Posted on 3:43 pm - October 11, 2023

As a participants of this program, I can testify that, gone are those days in our university system where students were learning Engineering with imaginations. The initiative of SKAD by SKILL-G is going to make things simpler for the teachers and the students. This initiative is purely based on practical approach which deviate from the traditional approach in the past and is a welcome development.
I can boldly say that, SKAD is advantageous to both the lecturers and the students and all our Nigerian institutions must embrace it.
Thank you, SKILL-G for giving me and many others this opportunity.

Msughter Lord Baka
Posted on 6:47 pm - October 11, 2023

As a participant of the SKAD, I was previlage to had hands-on experience on the newly introduced components in the 4 distinct but interdesciplinary areas of Electronic, Mechatronics,, Autothhronics and Refrigeration and Air conditioners. The sets of Add Ons are really an additional sets of components that enhances the technical and technological advancements of the previously supplied training equipments to the various institutions. I am really proud that at the Inov8. Hub, local content is 100% deployed and the results are SUPERB.
I am seriously encouraged with the level of advancement at SKill G,and hope that it’s Collaboration with TETFUND will be sustained.

Owhor Goodluck favour
Posted on 8:16 pm - October 11, 2023

The skill G programs is indeed carefully design to bridge the gap between scientific theories and practical realities .
I learnt from the deep knowledge of your expert tuteledge in engineering technology . I advised that you continue to partner with government and stake holders in the education sector and the industry to fuster development.

SKAD 10: Bolstering SET Education Training in Tertiary Institutions
Posted on 2:12 pm - October 16, 2023

[…] SKAD 9: Batch 3 of SET Training Commences […]

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